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Index for ./biomechZoo/Toolbox/Support Functions

Matlab files in this directory:

 COP_oneplateCOP = COP_ONEPLATE(F,M,a,b,c,cutoff) calculats COP of force plates
 GetSubDirsFirstLevelOnlysee : https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/166629-is-there-any-way-to-list-all-folders-only-in-the-level-directly-below-a-selected-directory
 angleCalculates the smallest angle between two vectors, m1 and m2.
 arrowtrn ... origin of vector
 associatedlgMain dialog box interface used by ensembler
 batchdispBATCHDISP(fl,type) produces a shortened display of file path
 bmech_continuous_stats_ensembler4bmech_continuous_stats_ensembler4 computes continuous stats based on Bootstrap confidence intervals
 bmech_zoo2tableBMECH_ZOO2TABLE (fld,ch,subjects,conditions) extracts channel line data
 bottomhndBOTTOMHND move a handle to the bottom of the list among children
 build_interjoint_test_datascript to generate mat file data for testing inter-joint coordination
 c3d2comdata = c3d2com(c3d_data)
 cell2strconverts cell array of string to string
 checkinput[fld,fl,saveFile] = CHECKINPUT(fld,ext) standalone function used to
 choppln consists of 3 points that make the plane
 closestthis function finds the closest in mt to pt
 computecolorbarsmade as stand alone function July 29th 2013
 computecolorbars_oldmade as stanalone function July 29th 2013
 concatfileUpdated by Phil Dixon Oct 2011
 conditionthis m-file returns only the condition from the output of engine
 costume2propcostume2prop(fld) converts costume objects to props
 ctransformvout = CTRANSFORM(c1,c2,vec) will transform a vector from c1 to c2 (T2/1)
 currentpersonUpdated Sept 2016
 deg2radrad = DEG2RAD(deg) converts degrees to radians
 delfileDELFILE(fl) deletes a single file or group of files
 directoroldupdated by Phil Dixon Oct 2009
 directorold2updated by Phil Dixon Oct 2009
 displaceDISPLACE moves a matrix m to vector vec
 enginefl = ENGINE(varargin) is a file searching algorithm
 engine_oldfl = ENGINE_OLD(varargin) is a file searching algorithm
 eraseerases std lines in figures
 explodeEXPLODE Splits string into pieces.
 explodelistnlist = EXPLODELIST(list) explodes a list of channel names. This is useful to avoid a
 exportfigfilename = EXPORTFIG(fld,filename) exports ensembler figures for use in publications / LateX
 extensionvarargout = extension(f,ext) returns file extension. File extension can be changed if
 findclosevertthis function returns the indices in vr1 and vr2 that are close to each other within the
 findfield[r,chn] = FINDFIELD(st,evt) searches through all subbranches in a structured array
 fitobjectthis function will displace and rotate objvr to fit the fitvr
 fixlegendThis function reorders legend entries in a given .fig file. To reorder
 gr=G(city) returns value of acceleration in different cities. You can get really nerdy and
 getChannelSectionsection = GETCHANNELSECTION(data,ch) returns the section ('video' or
 getFPGlobalOriginGetFPGlobalOrigin extracts the coordinates of the centre of each force
 getFPLocalOriginlocalOr = getFPLocalOrigin(data) extracts local origin from zdata
 get_nforceplatesfind number of force plates used
 getanthroANTHRO = GETANTHRO(DATA) extracts anthropometric data from zoo file. If
 getchannelc3dr = getchannelc3d(c3ddata,label)
 getextensionsext = getextensions(fl) returns file types from list of files
 getjointcentersLhipvec = [0.001047173543632 0.008637260481034 0.987698733491366];
 getmaxvalgetmaxval automatically checks all axes for maxdifference between conditons for later graphing
 getsectionsection = GETSECTION(data,ch) returns section ('Video' or 'Analog') of channel
 grabGRAB is the easy way to open .zoo and .c3d files. Simply type 'grab' and select
 greyscaleGREYSCALE turns a color graf into greyscale.
 gripsedited by Phil Dixon Dec 2010
 hdrloadHDRLOAD Load data from an ASCII file containing a text header.
 hlinefunction h=hline(y, linetype, label)
 intersectioncomputes the intersetion of a_b and u_v
 isevenr = ISEVEN(x) determines if numeric data is even.
 isinr = isin(str,a) verifies is substring 'substr' is in string or cell array of
 isnearISNEAR determines if two numbers are near each other as defined by prox
 kistlerGRF_datadata = KISTLERGRF_data(data) computes GRF data for Kistler force
 line2planeln is represented by two points
 lineIntersect3DFind intersection point of lines in 3D space, in the least squares sense.
 longunitr = LONGUNIT(m,comp) creates unit vector same size as vector m along dimension of comp
 magnitudem = MAGNITUDE(r) takes the magnitude of a signal
 makecolumnMAKECOLUMN forces row vector to be a column vector
 makerowMAKEROW forces a column vector to be a row vector
 makeunitMAKEUNIT makes all vectors unit vectors
 makevalidfieldch = makevalidfield(ch) fixes common invalid field names for structed
 markervarargout = marker(action,varargin) performs various actions for director
 openallstandalone function used by director
 partitionfileupdated Jan 2013
 pathnamethis m-file returns only the path to which the file belongs
 peakSignsign = PEAKSIGN(r) determines if the max peak is negative or positive
 peakdet[maxtab, mintab] = PEAKDET(v,delta) detects peaks in a vector
 point2linethis function returns the row index of the matrix of points (pt) closest
 pointonlinept = POINTONLINE(p1,p2,pos) returns a point on a line a distance pos from p1
 pubfontsPUBFONTS(FontSize,FontWeight,FontName)changes fonts and sizes to 'good' parameters for
 rad2degdeg = RAD2DEG(rad) converts radians to degrees
 readc3dDATA = READC3D(FNAME) will read a .c3d file and output the data in a structured array
 readc3dBtkr = READC3DBTK(fl) reads c3d files using the BTK toolbox.
 readcsvViconr = READCSVVICON(fl)reads csv files generated by the Vicon Nexus
 readtextUsage: [data, result]= readtext(source, delimiter, comment, quotes, options)
 rgbrgb.m: translates a colour from multiple formats into matlab colour format
 rmemptychJust a short cut to this difficult code I can never remember
 setFiltfilt = SETFILT returns a structured array of standard filter for kinetics
 setWindowOnTopSETWINDOWONTOP sets a figures Always On Top state on or off
 setZooFldfld = SETZOOFLD(fld,mode,name) prepares folders for batch processing
 setZoosystemzoosystem = SETZOOSYSTEM(fl) creates 'zoosystem' branch for data
 showwindowSHOWWINDOW Change the state of a window.
 sortcellSORTCELL Sort a cell array in ascending order.
 specialobjectUpdated by Philippe C. Dixon March 30th 2016
 stdpatchThis function creates std patches for graphing purposes
 strjoinSTRJOIN Concatenate an array into a single string.
 structplotSTRUCTPLOT plots any number of given channels in a structed array. If no
 subdirSUBDIR lists (recursive) all subfolders and files under given folder
 surface2patch[vr,fc] = SURFACE2PATCH(x,y,z) converts surface orientation data to patch
 teximageTEXIMAGE display a LaTeX string as a bitmap image
 textbpTEXTBP implements 'best' location for text, a la legend
 tightfigtightfig: Alters a figure so that it has the minimum size necessary to
 uigetfolderUIGETFOLDER(title, initial_path) Standard Windows browse for folder dialog box.
 validfieldupdated October 2011
 vecrotatevout = VECROTATE(vin,ang,ax) rotates a vector any number of degrees about any axis
 velocitydata = VELOCITY_DATA(data,ch,method) computes velocity of a motion capture
 velocity_datadata = VELOCITY_DATA(data,ch,method) computes velocity of a motion capture
 vlinefunction h=vline(x, linetype, label)
 xlsread1XLSREAD Get data and text from a spreadsheet in an Excel workbook.
 xlswrite1In order to use it, one must place the following code within the program, as given by Matt Swartz. It opens/closes the activex server, load an add-in if any (by default when Excel opens as a COM server it does NOT load add-ins), and checks to see if the file already exists:
 xticklabel_rotatehText = xticklabel_rotate(XTick,rot,XTickLabel,varargin) Rotate XTickLabel
 zloaddata = ZLOAD(fl) loads zoo files for quicker typing in batch processing
 zooinfoThe biomechZoo biomechanics Toolbox Copyright (c) 2006-2020 (Main contributors)
 zoostepthis m-file returns only the processing step from the output of engine
 zoosubthis m-file returns only the processing subject from the output of engine
 zoosystemZOOSYSTEM gives a quick summary of the functions included in the
 zsaveZSAVE(fl,data,message) saves zoo files to disk with processing step information appended to the

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